AlfaNova AQ

The Alfa Laval AlfaNova AQ fusion-bonded plate heat exchangers are aimed at HVAC applications. The range is AHRI Certified® through the Liquid to Liquid Brazed & Fusion-Bonded Plate Heat Exchangers (LLBF) Certification Program to ensure thermal performance. The performance certification verifies that the product performs in accordance with the manufacturer's published rating. They are used in applications such as district energy systems, potable water heating and free cooling systems.

AlfaNova fusion bonded plate heat exchangers

The Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) Standard 400 certification is an independent, third-party verification of thermal performance. Through its certification program and standards, AHRI strives to help customers save energy, improve their productivity and help to ensure a better environment.

AHRI Certified™ is the trusted mark of performance assurance for heating, ventilation, air conditioning and commercial refrigeration equipment. Products earning the mark undergo rigorous, independent annual evaluation to ensure that they perform according to the manufacturers’ published claims. Certifying HVACR equipment and component performance allows consumers to compare products based on independently verified performance ratings. To find AHRI Certified™ products, go to the AHRI directory.

AHRI Certification Procedures and Benefits

To certify a product to AHRI standards, the manufacturer submits specifications and performance data to AHRI for performance evaluation and potential certification.

Once certified, buyers and users can be assured that:

  • The plate heat exchanger will perform in accordance with the manufacturer’s published ratings.
  • Product performance can be easily compared for their specific application.

Alfa Laval AlfaNova AQ plate heat exchangers are made of 100% stainless steel, with the components fused together using a break-through technology that Alfa Laval has patented. This provides levels of hygiene and corrosion resistance unmatched by any other brazed heat exchanger. It also makes it practical to use stainless steel plate heat exchangers in installations normally reserved for conventional semi-welded and welded units. 

Resistance to corrosion also makes Alfa Laval AlfaNova AQ popular in district heating installations in which corrosive water is used. The hygienic heat transfer channels and mechanical strength also make Alfa Laval AlfaNova units ideal in applications where the prime focus is on hygiene, such as clean water refrigeration chillers and tap water heating systems.

Cost effective for everyone involved


  • Reduces lifetime operating costs significantly by assuring a more energy-efficient system
  • Ensures full investment value by reducing costs for field tests and additional component performance margins


  • Allows for the design of a system in which all the major components are independently performance certified
  • Ensures that targets on power consumption and climate control can be met
  • Provides a verifiable basis for heat exchanger selection
  • Protects the owner and consulting engineer from performance concerns during commissioning and after installation


  • Ensures that all certified plate heat exchangers included in proposals will deliver the stated thermal performance
  • Reduces troubleshooting time during commissioning and after start-up

美国空调、供暖及制冷学会(AHRI)产品性能认证计划是一项自愿性计划,由 AHRI 负责管理和支配,以确保各类供暖、通风、空调、制冷和热水产品的性能符合制造商公布的要求。

通过 AHRI 产品性能认证计划认证的产品,在 AHRI 的指导下,由 AHRI 签约的独立第三方实验室进行连续测试,以确定产品是否符合一个或多个产品等级标准或规格。




阿法拉伐 AlfaNova Fusion-bonded 板式换热器由波纹不锈钢板、框架板和压板组成。板式组件中的传热板采用 AlfaFusion 技术粘接在一起,这是一种独特的不锈钢部件粘接方法,是阿法拉伐的专利技术。

AlfaFusion 粘合技术可在接触点处将传热板密封并固定在一起,从而确保最佳的传热效率和耐压性能。板式设计可确保最长的使用寿命。将负载分散到多个独立的接触点上,可提供出色的抗压疲劳性能。 通过将不锈钢板粘合在一起,无需使用垫片和厚框架板。




阿法拉伐融合粘结板式热交换器由 AISI 316 级实心不锈钢制成。


热交换器中的湍流具有自清洁效果。但是,如果仍然需要清洁,请了解有关 CIP 的更多信息。 (Cleaning-in-place).